Wednesday, October 2, 2013

More Self Luv.....31 days of loving self more!!

Hey my friends, whew this year is almost gone....lets take it out with a bang & end STRONG!!!!!!              
This month of more self luv was designed to inspire and encourage you to luv yourselves more so that you can infect and ultimately infuse more love into the earth. We dared you to be challenged to do something for yourself everyday, even as simple as looking in the mirror and saying ” I love you”. Did we do ok loving ourselves more, if so, then keep up the good work!!!!
 Peace N Luv Always, Chandra
Lets look at what we've done in October:

  More Self luv word...Grateful.......Gratitude brings plentitude.....Peace

Dr C...Window Shop...Retail Therapy..
Sometimes you should just go and try it on ladies and gents,lol!!!!

So just because October is over,doesn't mean that More Self Luving Stops, NO, this is a daily lifestyle!!!!
Peace N Luv Until Next Time

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Philipians 3:13-14
Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do:forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
"4 Ward"
Hey my friends, I trust that 2013 is treating you right!!
 I know that some of us are in a "transit period" or shall I say in TRANSITION, not quite out of one season,but we are on our way to the new season of a land flowing with milk and honey....the promised land!!!!
So stand firm, stay focus on the PRIZE, be steadfast and unmovable despite the opposition, always abounding in the word of the Lord. Do Not Retreat! Once a baby is crowning and the head is out, it CAN NOT go back within the womb!!
So Come OUT!!!!
 cuz....,WE shall come forth as pure GOLD!!!!!

Spring Forth Detox Tips
Prepare for the spring forward season
  1. Fasting: Use certain resources to assist you

2. Colonics

3.Juicing &  Clean Eating 

4. Scripture/Prayer / Meditate Daily
5. Fitness(Yoga, Pilates, cycle, Run, Walk, Swim, Zumba, Salsa,...get in where you fit in!!!
6. Music Therapy
Chandra in 2007@ Full Circle LIVE recording @ Unity Church of Charleston
Peace N Luv Always,

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dr. Chandra is 30+12!!!!

Always expressing more self luv

A Celebration of SELF !!
I found this afterwards, so I may try it next time with Naturtint "Natural" hair color
(shaggy dog  lol)

Organic Juicing

 Bath therapy does a body good Experience

Pics w/my lil peeps before ME dates

Always physical fitness(working on the body...those hips lol),I'm a lil sleepy going to 6am Zumba xpress
Happy Birthday Chandra, many , many more 2 come!!
Sweet N Healthy Pre-Valentines Indulgence!!!